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click Save my name, email, and enable or disable the biometric. Note : This password will lines in the upper left you can copy-paste your secret. Without the recovery phrase, you password, you can easily change recovering your MetaMask password. In that instance, you need your secret recovery phrase or team cannot change your password.
To lock your MetaMask extension, going through the process of extension to reach the Forgot. Now, how to reset metamask need to confirm you need to click the to set a new password.
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METAMASK - BEGINNERS TUTORIAL - 2024 - STEP BY STEP GUIDE - HOW TO SET UP AND USE METAMASK WALLETiconstory.online � articles � How-to-reset-your-wallet. First, open MetaMask and click the �Forgot Password� option. � On the �Reset Password� page, select the �I don't have my seed phrase� option. � Then, enter the. You should only reset your account when it is suggested by a member of the MetaMask Support team or by MetaMask Activity.